Contact Us


Hello! I am Kelley Summerfield, CPDT-KA.

I am a Certified Professional and the Owner of Dogology Manners, LLC. 

I am excited to offer pet care services for you and your furry best friend.

I have always had a passion for animals and have loved them for as long as I can remember. Dogs have always been my favorite animal and I think they are incredible creatures. I have spent over 20 years helping, and rescuing dogs. Now, I have turned my passion into a career! I want to save the world, one dog at a time :) 

ALL BREEDS ARE WELCOME at Dogology Manners! I think it is truly remarkable how many breeds of dogs there are and how unique each one is.

I tend to collect Rottweilers and love them very much! I have learned something from every one of the Rottweilers that I am about to share with you. 

Apollo (4 years) is my oldest Rottweiler and Alister (2.5 years) is my youngest Rottweiler. Apollo is a Certified Therapy Dog who LOVES treats and people! He could get attention all day and be the happiest dog on the planet. Oh, and the ball, for Apollo BALL IS LIFE! LOL!!

Alister is my athletic and curious Rottweiler. He is very observant of his surroundings and wants to explore anything out of place. He is the fastest dog I've ever seen, and he loves agility! 

The picture to your left is Atticus Rex. Atticus was pound pup that I pulled from a local pound who was just a year of age. Atticus did not have much time left as he had some behavioral and trust issues with people. Atticus is human reactive and had a rough start in life before our paths crossed. With LOTS of training, love and patience he is living his best life now! Atticus has taught me a lot and he has made me a pet care provider. 

My favorite part of being a pet care provider is watching the dogs grow and developing relationships with both the dogs and owners that I work with. While I knew I would be helping dogs, I did not realize the strong relationships I would also build with the owners. It is so wonderful to see the bond formed or repaired between an owner and their dog. Did I mention, I work with dogs, that is a wonderful part of the career as well!!

I look forward to working with you and your dog soon! 


(Pictured above Kelley and Atticus Rex)

Kelley and Atticus Rex